


Our Latest Newsletter with 2024 Previews and Exciting Updates

Dive in to discover the latest updates, and a sneak peek into our plans for the upcoming year. Don't miss out on this chance to make your voice heard! Click the links below to read the newsletter and...

January Intensive Holiday Program

January Intensive Holiday Program is returning to Yarra Swim School for 2024. Our school holiday swimming program offers FIVE daily swimming lessons held during the school holidays. This 5 or 4-day...

Important Dates

As we dive into the holiday season and the new year, we want to keep you informed about some key dates. Check out our guide to upcoming term dates.

Christmas Gift Appeal: Helping Children in Need

At Yarra Plenty Waves, our mission goes beyond swimming. We believe in giving back to our community and making a positive impact in the lives of others. This holiday season, we invite you to join us...