Water Aerobics

No Bookings Required

We believe in making fitness accessible to everyone. You can join our sessions without any prior booking. Just drop in during the following times:

  • Monday, Wednesday & Fridays
    11:00am - 12:00pm



Our sessions offer a unique opportunity to stay active, improve your fitness, and have fun, all in the refreshing embrace of water. We invite you to dive into a world of gentle, low-impact exercises that provide an all-body workout.


  • Casual Visit
    Concession $7.70
    Adult $8.20
  • 10 Visit Pass
    Concession $69.00 
    Adult $73.50

Join Our Community

It's not just about exercise; it's also about building connections and having a great time. Our group often hosts social lunches after sessions, where you can meet fellow participants, share experiences, and make new friends. Everyone is welcome, and we encourage a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.